Nh Speech License Continuing Education Requirements

The following is from The Informed SLP blog. Click the links for the full article!

Top 12 questions about ASHA CEUs—answered
Ah, continuing ed.

Thought you were done with classes after your Master's degree?
Haha! No, my friend.

 Nobody wants extra things on their To Do list, but you simply can not be an effective speech–language pathologist if you don't continue to learn throughout your career. ASHA knows that; which is why they require it for those of us with our CCC-SLP designation! And at its best, continuing ed can help shake you out of an SLP-slump, increase your confidence, and give you the satisfaction of knowing you're doing your job well.

 Since we gotta do it (and deep down, want to), let's get the rules and requirements straight. Read on for our mostFrequently-Asked Questions about ASHA CEUs:

1. What are ASHA CEUs for? (the "newb" question)

​To maintain your national certification as an SLP—those CCC-SLP letters after your name—you must do continuing education.

You'll need30 hoursevery three years, starting the January after you're awarded the CCC-SLP.

For grad students, that means you can start taking and tracking your continuing education hours approximately one year after you get your masters degree, and then you'll have three more years before you have to report those courses to ASHA. Yes, it sucks that CEUs you might do during your clinical fellowship year don't count.

6. What's the deal with the new Ethics and Supervision requirements I'm hearing about? Do I need them? If so, when?

Yes, this is new as of 2020! From ASHA:

Who? Every CCC-SLP.
What? Out of the 30 professional development hours required for certification maintenance, at least 1 hour has to focus on ethics.
When? The January 1, 2020 – December 31, 2022 certification maintenance interval, beginning with certificate holders.
How Often? During each 3-year maintenance interval.

Who? All clinical supervisors and Clinical Fellowship (CF) mentors providing supervision or clinical instruction to students and/or Clinical Fellows for ASHA certification.
What? In addition to having 9 months of full-time clinical experience working in theprofession, you must complete a minimum of 2 hours of professional development in the area of supervision/clinical instruction.
When? After receiving the CCC-SLP.
How Often? This is a one time deal.

So one hour of Ethics courses is now required every three years. Supervision hours are required once, and only if you're supervising (our tip would be for EVERYONE to take supervision hours, because it's highly likely you'll need to do that at some point in your career). More info on the new requirements here, here, and here.

And if you're looking for ethics hours, you can search here, or take our ethics course!

Read on for answers to other FAQs, such as: If I have my state license, do I also need my CCC-SLP? (It's a good idea!) Are all ASHA CEUs evidence based? (Actually, no.) What is the ASHA CEU Registry, and is it required? (Not required, but there are some pros and cons here.)

Remember, NHSLHA is working toward a change in our CEU requirements here in New Hampshire, so we won't have to do courses in person if we don't want to. We still hope to see you at the NHSLHA Conference every Spring and Fall — less travel, and a great opportunity to network with fellow NH professionals and stay informed about what's going on right here. Please consider listening in to a NHSLHA Executive Board meeting as well. We'd love to see you!

NHSLHA Members get $175 off at Medbridge! Contact nhslha@gmail.com for the Members-only code.

Selective Mutism Webinars with Annie DiVello! (Past webinars September/October 2020)

Selective Mutism 101: Understanding Selective Mutism in the Educational Setting (A two-part live webinar on September 25th and 26th) Click here for more information

Selective Mutism 101: Understanding Selective Mutism in the Educational Setting (A mini version via live webinar on September 29th) Click here for more information

Selective Mutism 102: Treating Selective Mutism in the Educational Setting (A two-part live webinar on October 9th and 10th) Click here for more information

Member Perk Alert!

NHSLHA Members get 10% off at speechpathology.com !
Contact nhslha@gmail.com for the Members-only code.


Source: https://www.nhslha.org/for-professionals/continuing-education/

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